Who is ur top 5 best pvper

i mean he did beat me without using special when he started to lose…

could i 1v1 you

tbh you are a very scummy player with no integrity. You would boost yourself in a loosing battle or fake afk to regen health. Not even once I had a proper 1v1 with you.

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wouldnt say “scummy”. but yeah he cant win a fair 1v1 so he cheats.


yeah sure! dm when u can be online and well have a go

tommorow at four pm eastern time zone

You should specify the timezone

Not true like y run every time

im stupid, what is that in chicago time?

Also sometimes my parents call me so wdym “fake afk”

According to Google, 3 PM

no one in here even mentioned that is why I wanted to be banned like i have no presence in this community i am really good at pvp

guys please dont make this into a long thread, do a private chat

hey we can fight sometime if u want. ive been here for 2 MONTHS and i have only fought a few players. like i said u can dm and ill see ur skill



yo i just saw this. yeah he totally is. if we werent in such a fair environment, and there were like bots involved. i could have lost.

i got destroyed by him lol

he joined like half a month before i did and has the same level of grind…