Should I make a huge V1 update?

I won’t let you down, I’ve gotten good sleep the last couple of days so I’ll be able to pull some all nighters


Tell me how it goes, I’ll be on unfortunately leaving, I’m excited though!


Trust me dony do multiple all nighters. Ull be hella sick. Ull vomit, not feel well. And a terrible headache


I already know what’s that’s like, this is child’s play for me at this point
Thanks for caring though :+1:


Nice, it’s releasing on a 3 day weekend! (For me) more time to grind!


I wont be able to play swordbattle until summers over. :frowning:
So i’m going to miss the best update in swordbattle!!! :sob:

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I basically coded the whole update already and I think I have time to add one more feature.

It can’t be like some huge thing, and it can’t be an evolution because I already finished them.

Anything else is fair game so REPLY to this with your suggestions, I will pick one and add as a surprise :wink:

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daily rewards that increase the more you log in consecutively


also this might finally give me motivation to start grinding again for top 10 (I was #19 before I quit cause I got bored)


@gautam Add an icon to minimap that always displays the #1 player’s position with a crown icon, and also an icon that shows the purple chest on minimap


That would take too long :confused:

He said it can’t be that big

@Acol i dont mean you, just the current in game leader


what do you not like about my idea?

No need to be mean. I didn’t know. :frowning:

Anyways, I just think it would add a little incentive to kill the #1 considering there will be a lot of OP evos rolling out in the near future. :)

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maybe add more leaderboard places?

fix chat to allow small guys to see big guy chat

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Yeah i know that’s an issue but how would I fix that? Can’t think of any good way. I think with the update there won’t be any more too small guys so it will be better?

Make a chatbox in the corner and add option to either send all or send above your head only, maybe? :thinking:

I know this would take awhile but that’s my opinion.

Ribbit! :frog:


How about a healing object that when collected it gives 2hp per 2 seconds and deals 3 damage per 4 seconds if an enemy is in the radius of the healing area, also when clans are added in the future, it gives the same amount of hp it gives to the player who collected it

Please put in my black hole skin :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: