What skin is your favorite?

wow rember when there were only 19 skins in the game

now there are 7 times that

I remember when there were only 5 skins

Which 5?

I think it was Fox, Winter, Devil, Chef and Coder Gautam YT
(I am pretty sure there was another skin but it got taken out)




mine is frager skin

Mine is cylinder because it’s silly :P

Rip Medic

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Oh yea I forgot medic :skull: (make tht 6 skins)

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My top 3 skins:
3. The sort of pinkish one with the trident. Great range, and doesn’t look half bad.
2. Microwave skin. Looks pretty cool, plus good for PVP.

  1. Glitch skin. I’ve probably used it the longest, and while the actual skin looks kind of weird (no offense to the person who made it), the sword is absolute fire.

“good for pvp” :skull_and_crossbones:

Classic post

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True classic


:pensive: yes


That is the skin you have that no one else does?