Upgrades based on evolution?

Ive been messing with this idea for a few days now… I dont know if it would be possible to code but Ive seen that a lot of people dont like how the current upgrade system is or want it removed completely, but I dont think we need to remove it, just improve on it. Thats why I think upgrades can be based on evolutions.

A lot of people dont like max speed berserkers that just run so what if the speed upgrade didnt provide as much speed as it does for tank? Same way could go for tank with the health if health upgrades for tank wouldnt give as much as it did for berserker. The same could happen with the damage and regen upgrades between the two as well. This system might be able to help prevent players from becoming op and impossible to kill and could possibly make the game more fun and enjoyable to play.

When evolution trees are added these could be kept the same on that side of the tree, so evols branching off of berserker would have upgrades affecting them the same way, and evols branching off of tank would have the upgrades affecting them the same way.

:cookie: for if you read all of it :)

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Max speed and dmg

good idea
but im still for deleting the bar entirely

That would be a pretty cool thing to implement but I’m sure it would be a pain to balance tho lol

Fr wasd

I read it all but i got lost : /
evo system rn is’nt to bad u can def kill ppl if your speedy enough!

isnt this how it used to be? tanks had all the health and berserk all the speed

Yeah kinda

But pvp was also differnt back then and map so :/


I never even notice the upgrade bar penguin pc or laptop or phone or iPad :skull:
does it get in the way for u or smth?

She means that the upgrades will have separate values e.g

When using turtle the speed upgrade buff its speed by 0.1 each time

When using beserker the speed upgrade buffs the speed by 0.05 each time

No I’m saying it’s not adding to the game, it’s making it worse

We should fix it so that tank is better than berserker again!! :fire: