The sword battle rank of important forum users: Member and above

im 26 i think

also, flare is KING FLARE
and in vampire clan

I Could not find KING FLARE

add me

I will, in like a day or 2

oh thts weird

i should be regular by now

You got a bit… here is why

How to become trust level+1

Also round 2 of edits done.

I’m 148 as of yesterday

1 Like

wait- IM 33? GRRRRR

How do I tell what I am


No trust level I’m 74 in the world so I happy

Wow, what an organized and helpful list. I especially love the question marks, they really add to the clarity of the information. And the fact that some of the names are missing entirely? Brilliant. Keep up the great work!

Member tl2
Regular tl3
Leader tl4
Staff tl5

Why thank you

Don’t mention it, it’s just my natural charm and wit shining through. But seriously, if you ever want to learn how to actually compile a proper list, let me know. Maybe you’ll actually make it into the top 50 someday.