The Official IO Games Forum Hunger Games

The topic is here. The moment 20+ contestants are waiting for.


There are 3 writers: Hue, Penguin, and Faraway_Flame (me). We determine the outcome of the story.

We will be taking advice, strategies, and battle ideas from the contestants to formulate a plot like nothing you’ve seen before.

As for the first night, Penguin will be writing that by herself, without any advice or recommendations, so there is a starting point for the games. Additionally, keep in mind that these are only the first games. If you don’t win, don’t be disheartened! There are always more chances.

Please do not edit the wiki unless given EXPLICIT PERMISSION. (cough cough monke cough cough)


Day One

Future walks off the disk not realising the game hasn’t started yet, the explosive goes off.

Future gets launched toward a birch forest.

A cannon is fired, and many rush (A-bot, ArtieMars, Doomslayer, Flame, Gautam, GiggaPoggers, G-Man, Hue, Incognitoes, Lewcantoucan, Monke, RandomGuy, Cvefy, and Slapadabass) to the Cornucopia some decide not to ( Angel, Fish, F1NN, PotatoLord, Penguin, Prookl, Shadowblade and Wasd)

A-Bot takes a backpack, with 2 loafs of bread and makes a run towards the forest

Doomslayer grabs a small axe and runs towards the same direction

Flame takes a basket with a large knife, matches, a canister with clean water and a small foldable shovel and makes a run toward the hills

Hue takes a shovel and a hatchet and makes a run toward the forest

Randomguy takes a small shank and makes a run toward a pond

Slapadabass takes a small backpack not realising it’s empty and makes a run toward the same pond

Incognitos takes a water filter and a small hatchet and makes a run toward the hills

Lewcantoucan is examining every single knife seeing if it suits him, eventually finding 2 smaller shanks and makes a run toward the pond

Cvefy is trying to find a canister with blood inside eventually giving up and runs towards the hills with nothing in his hands

Gautam is examining every single item with time

Artiemars tries to find a canvas so he can draw

Gigga sits next to the Cornucopia cooly with his sword ready

G-man tries to find metal objects

Monke is trying to find a banana

Monke realises a few other are still at the Cornucopia and asks, “You all seem like tough people, what if we team for a bit?”

Gigga replies, “Sure but let’s tell each other’s abilities don’t we?”

Artiemars and G-man agree to join in.

Gautam realises he has a risk of being teamed and takes a backpack filled with tools of survival and some food and water and runs towards the forest.

Monke, Gigga, Artiemars and G-man explain their abilities honestly and decide to form a formal alliance

At the furthest end of the pond, Penguin is sitting down and is carving a chunk of wood to make a cup-like thing with a sharp blade of mana.

Penguin realises the presence of something, from subtle movement in the bushes.

She creates a longer blade, a spear of sorts. And moves closer to the sound.

Randomguy runs away, deeper toward the forest. Penguin chases it, slightly annoyed that she was disturbed.

She thinks of protecting her whole body with mana but she was too lazy to do so.

Slapa jumps off of a tree pinning her down and slaps Penguin’s head. Penguin passes out.

Randomguy walks back and thanks Slapa, “Thanks Slapa, Now I can copy her ability.” he continues “I knew she can produce food and drinks from the Tribute Party we had before.”

“This brian is so hard to read, it’s so disorganized… I found the general area she keeps her spells and I can figure it out later.” Slapa nods in agreement. “Slapa, I think we should move to a safer place- further away from the Cornucopia”

Slapa suggests, “We probably can kill her here by bashing her with a rock or something… or maybe drown her”

Randomguy disagrees “I sense a layer of protective mana, impressive as she’s knocked out… It will probably be too much work to kill here as we don’t have any strong offensive attacks anymore. Dragging her to the pond will be too much work as we’re already a few hundred metres away from it. She might wake up by the time we do so. We should hurry, she’s good at magic meaning she might be able to trace mana from us.”

Randomguy and Slapa leave the scene deeper into the forest.

In the forest, A-bot and Doom bump into each other. “

Doom says, “In the first part we should team? I have very limited information on what I can scavenge- only information from the basic tribute training”

A-bot responds “Yeah… Good luck on that… I don’t know how to scavenge in the forest.” he adds “I think we should still team. You seem strong.”

Meanwhile, Shadow senses someone’s presence and decides to approach it.

Wasd has created a grappling hook, a water filter and a large knife.

“Sorry, but as you encountered me- you must die,” Shadow says.

Wasd suggests in a pleading voice “I… I can create essential things for survival. Please- the game has only started and we can team for a bit”

Shadow shakes his head, “I fight alone- that was the way I was taught”

“Yes, but what if I create some things for survival and give it to you? And you can spare me for now?”

Shadow pulls out his sword- “I don’t fall for tricks like that”

During this conversation, Wasd got his water filter and quickly passed it to Shadow.

“hm?” Shadow asks, “I don’t trust you”

He activates a smoke bomb and makes a run for it.

Shadow out of the swiftness of the creation, gets puzzled and decides not to chase Wasd- as he senses risk.

Prookl finds Future stuck on a tree, Future uses his mind control to control Prookl to kill tributes.
Instead Prookl resists control and decides to create a nature water park. He runs back to the Cornucopia and grabs a singular shovel and with a determined face starts digging.

Night One

Doom and A-bot walks around and decides to talk about game plan. “Did you see anyone go toward the mountains?” Doom asked, “Well I saw a angel like figure fly towards it but it might’ve been from the nervousness, i don’t think anyone will bother to risk surviving in the mountains- cold, no food or wood”
Doom suggests, “let’s walk closer to the mountains, as close as we can”
A-bot agrees and says “I have 2 loaves of bread and I can energize from the sun’s energy” he turns himself a big plate of solar panels with legs.
Doom asks, “can you talk?” A-bot doesn’t respond. “Oop ok”
The two walk south, closer to the mountains.

Random and Slapa walk around, Slapa being confused what he’s doing asks “what are you searching for?”
Random responds, “we’re walking further from the cornucopia to avoid combat.”
“You didn’t answer my question” Slapa rolls his eyes.
“Sorry, I’m trying to find some edible plants. I know a quite few from all the training I got as a kid.”
Random eventually finds some edible potato like roots in a muddy puddle, wild blueberries and wild garlic.
Slapa and Random creates a basic shelter with leaves and branches. They collect firewood and when they set up the wood Slapa asks, “you know how to make a fire? Because we don’t really have any tools to start a fire”
Random shaves a small branch with his shank and uses a basic fire spell to light the branch shavings on fire. He quickly puts out the fire on his finger “This burns my skin and causes immense pain in my bones surrounding it so I absolutely hate it but at the same time I’m too lazy to actually make a fire”
They cook a garlic baked potato and eat the wild blueberries.

Hue ventures further into the forest and creates a torch before the sun goes out. He’s unprotected at night without a light source. He digs an hole in the ground and creates a fire next to him, creating a sheild of light around him while still being hidden in the hole.

Penguin wakes up from being knocked out. She is slightly annoyed and learns to be more cautious.
The sun is right over the horizon. “I sense strong mana, I hope we can be friends” she mutters to herself “it’s one person so it’s probably fine- even if they’re unfriendly”
She walks toward the direction she senses the mana. Penguin eventually reaches a clearing with many rocks.
Wasd walks out of the rocks cautiously, “I… I am a strong fighter, a unarmed girl like you should show mercy now…!”
Penguin laughs under her breath, “who did you think you can trick with that?” She takes a pause, “so, are you two kind enough to let me stay for the night?”
Shadow walks out of the shadow made by the rocks “well, I was hoping to have another fighter in our team, I went scouting toward the cornucopia and I saw a group of 4 head this direction” he continues, “and it’s a bit too late to disassemble and reconstruct our camp, as you might know already there are powerful animals roaming around.”
“Sure” Penguin replies “would you two want some tea?”
Wasd immediately responds “Tea?!!”
“Yep!” She smiles slightly, “I need something to put the tea in though”
Wasd quickly creates 3 cups from his fabricator, “here!!”
The three have a nice tea time, and the sun gives its last rays of light.

Monke, Gigga, Artie, and G man collect the food and things they can and venture toward the hills. Hoping they can find a safe place to set camp.
Artie and G man, the ones with more craftsmanship out of the 4, start setting up a tarp between the trees for some cover. They’ve collected significant amounts of food from the cornucopia- enough to last 2 days.
Monke and Gigga walk out in the forest trying to find some suitable firewood, Gigga leaves his sword behind as it significantly hinders his movement. They encounter Penguin, also collecting some firewood.
“We can take her” Monke whispers, “Gigga you can fight bearfist right?” Monke pats his shoulder, copying his ability.
Gigga says, “It’s not worth gambling right now, we’re two buff guys versus her, what can she do? Stab us?” They laugh loudly but she doesn’t seem to notice.
They jump out behind from the trees, and charge at her.
Penguin doesn’t seem to notice, right as they were to hit her, something explodes on their face, and they fall back from it.
Penguin looks back and laughs softly. The two try attacking again but they both feel immense pain in one of their legs. Like a bullet shot in their legs.
Monke shocked says “what the hell did you do?!
Penguin ignores him and says, “if you two were more careful you could of got me, your footsteps could be heard from far, allowed me to create a barrier of mana and prepare for bullets of mana” she continues “anyways I dislike killing so I will leave you here, but if you disturb my sleep I will kill you without mercy” she says with a grin. “Oops- I might of spoken too much there, goodbye. See you hopefully never!”

At Slapa and Random’s camp, Random volenteers to watch for the first few hours.
When Random sees Slapa go to see he steals Slapa’s bag and puts his shank inside. He quietly walks away from the camp toward the hills.
Inside his brain he processes the spells he was able to mind read from Penguin. Out of Penguin’s ability he was able to find how to concentrate mana and also propel it. Not being able to fully understand her spells made him slightly frustrated but he blamed the stupidity and unorganized mess of Penguin’s brain. Added to this he was only able to create dry biscuits and slightly warm water. Not the various types of tea and snacks Penguin can do.

A-bot and Doom reached near a small stream next to the mountains. They collected some firewood in the way and after the sun set he was energizing himself with the firewood.
A-bot released some of the hot coals from within him and set up the fire. Doom used this fire to warm up his loaf of bread.
A-hot transformed himself to a small water turbine and used the streamflow to energize himself throughout the night.
“Doom, don’t worry, I don’t need sleep so you can get a full night of sleep” Doom replies “thanks, I would of been in a much worse place if you weren’t with me”

Wasd at the camp was creating a plane, as he can only create small chunks at a time, it was taking time to weld the pieces togeher.
Penguin woke up from the welding noises. She was slightly frustrated and thought about killing him but she remembered he was a fellow tea enjoyer and regret thinking about it.
“Thanks for watching out for this late”
Wasd responds “I kinda need a runway to make this fly, do you have the power to do so?”
“Yeah it might take a minute”
She charged her mana into one point for a few minutes and shot it toward a direction. The shot combusted all trees 50 meters.
“Penguin! Wow! Thanks!!”
Wasd went on the plane and activated the engine, the plane ran up the runway and flew up.
“Ooooh!!” Penguin exclaimed.
Angel flew out of nowhere and was chasing Wasd down.
“Wasd!! Land now!!” Penguin said. Wasd saw from the mirror a entity was chasing him down.
Wasd safely landed and Angel landed with him.
Wasd terrified jumped down from the plane and ran to wake up Shadow.
Angel grinning asked “tea?”
Penguin confused asked back, “what?”
Angel still having the same grin said “I smelled tea this afternoon from above the mountain, then I fell asleep, now I’m here”
“Wow! That’s impressive…” Penguin continues “tea and snacks right? What kind of snack?”
“Caek” Angel said still grinning.
Penguin creates black tea and lemon cake. Shadow and Wasd walks out of the shelter, ready to fight.
Penguin says “no need to be alarmed, she’s just a fellow tea lover!!”
The 4 have a tea party for a couple of hours and Angel flies away at the end of the party.

Day Two

A-Bot and Doom wake up in the mountains, unfortunately… It had just snowed and now was freezing cold.

A-Bot transforms into a snowmobile and they both go scouting for a better place.

They eventually find some wild potatoes growing near the base of the mountain.

“Let’s stay here and cook the potatoes,” A-Bot says.

A-bot transforms into an oven to cook their potatoes.

Meanwhile, whilst Prookl ran to the cornucopia to grab a shovel, he encountered Gautam, who just so happened to pick up the last shovel that was there!

“Wait!” Prookl exclaimed, “I need that shovel!”

Gautam ignored Prookl and scavenged for other items.

Prookl, determined in his quest, attacks Gautam with a long punch 3 meters away!

It takes a decent bit of Gautam’s health.

Gautam retaliates by locking prookl’s wrists together with magic.

Prookl teleports Gautam’s shovel on top of him, doing close to no damage.

Gautam attacks with 3 quick punches to the face. Doing a solid chunk of damage, really putting Prookl in a tight spot.

Prookl, thinking quickly, clones himself 3 times.

Surrounding Gautam, Prookl kicks Gautam in unison with his clones.

This does an insane amount of damage, putting Gautam in an even tighter spot than Prookl was before.

Gautam, knowing this, banned cloning entirely!

This however, takes a toll on him and tires him out.

He steps back to regain some breath, losing his opportunity to attack.

Prookl double punched Gautam with his bound wrists since length wasn’t a problem to him.

This almost finishes Gautam, but it’s not enough!

Gautam, knowing he can’t run due to Prookl’s range, tries to protect himself with a forcefield. But because he is so tired it is all he can do, allowing Prookl another chance to finish him.

Prookl teleports into the forcefield and kicks him from behind, startling Gautam.

Gautam is defeated by Prookl after a long battle.

Gautam is eliminated.

Prookl, tired from the battle, decides to take the shovel and head back to Futurepear… who is dead. (He rotted away whilst Prookl was gone.)

Fish immediately ran his way to the pond when the shot was fired.

He hoped that a tribute stupid enough will get close to the pond, where he would strike. That moment came quicker than he anticipated. Penguin came walking down, and stood there for 30 seconds or so flowing mana into her hands to create a large knife like object. She then used the mana-knife to cut a large branch down. Fish wondered what she was using the block of wood for and then he heard her talk to herself, “A cup for tea and a plate for some cake!” with a grinning face.

Fish used his big brain to think for a second what this possibly meant- is this a hidden message to someone? Is she poisoning someone? The sheer stupidity of Penguin made the very very intelligent Fish paranoid. Wasn’t this a fight to the death? Am I being gaslit? Am I going crazy?

Fish out of paranoia jumped out of the pond and ran toward the mountains. Forgetting to get the mana he charged on to the lake for control.

A while later after reaching the bottom of one of the mountains, realized that he had very few amounts of mana left in him. He thought of walking back to the pond- but the thought of meeting Penguin again made him decide to trek around the mountains. There must be a water source he must be able to bend close to the mountains.

As he walked through the valley between the mountains he found a fairly large stream. It was already dark- and he was hungry but he decided to go to sleep in the river. Water was his natural habitat. He went to sleep soundly.

Few hours later, or minutes- Fish can not tell, Demonic monsters resembling vultures were swooping around him.

Fish took a second to use his big, giant, mega brain to assess his choices. Fight or run- Fish chose the latter, he used his water bending abilities to shoot himself through the water to swim downstream. The vultures were still chasing- he saw a glimpse of light between the mountains.

At one point he passed out from the mana usage. When he woke up, he saw he was on land and he smelled potatoes. Baked ones. He rose up and saw Doom cooking potatoes in an oven. Fish again was confused for his life, was this a wild-life culinary course?

“Want some baked potatoes?” The oven spoke.

Fish wanted to run but from exhaustion and lack of food since a day ago made him say “S… Sure…”

“Here!” The oven popped out its door and released its arm to give the potato to Fish.

“T…Th, thanks… why haven’t you killed me yet?” Fish asks.

Doom replies “No canon noise yet- plus I saw dead demonic monsters next to you… water bending… a useful member to have for sure”

Fish, A-bot and Doom talk about ideas to survive for the longest.

Incognitos woke up great, he had found some wild blackberries the prior day and as he is a shadow himself, he doesn’t have a risk of being found by monsters. It was still dark, but he saw a glow of light in a pocket without trees in the forest.

Incognitos spotted Lewcantoucan shivering next to a campfire.

Incognitos hides in the shadow and gets closer to Lew and asks, “Can we team?” Incog plays tough “Your life is at my hands anyways, I can kill you within 15 seconds.”

Lew answers calmly “Sure, I can team with you- at least for a while”

Incog appears from the shadows, “We move South- light weakens me so the mountains can help me have good ground”

“Hm, sounds good- As far as I can tell, there’s a forest beyond the mountain. Probably good shelter and not many people there”

“How do you know?” Incog asks.

“Well- I’m a shape shifter, I flew around the map yesterday night and the game has a strong binding spell casted. So no way out for sure”

“Good to know, I can wield the shadows- I can surf through the shadows to reach the mountains within no time. Can’t you just become a bird or something and get there?”

“I have limitations on how long I can shapeshift, if I shapeshift into a thing for too long my brain gives up and I permanently become that thing. I can shapeshift into things for longer the longer I train.”

“It’s fine, I can shadow surf the way to the mountains- I have a lot of mana”

Slapa woke up right before the sun rose, his back hurt the rocks he was sleeping on.

“Owwuch” Slapa said, “Random? Random Underscore Guy??”

He searched around, and next to the fire was some roasted potatoes.

Then he noticed that his bag was gone, this infuriated Slapa. He has strong feelings about the bag. He even thought of killing Random the next time he sees him.

Slapa goes and looks around seeing someone in the distance.

Stoated just so happens to be around the area, looking for potential allies.

Seeing Stoated was carrying a bag full of supplies, Slap did the irresponsible thing and assumed the bad was his.


They both start running towards the forest.

Hue gets out of his hidey hole when the day breaks. Just as he goes to collect more firewood, he hears screaming in the distance… rapidly approaching him.

Slap and Stoated were running mach 10 towards Hue, so he gets back into his hidey hole to protect himself from the stampeding competitors.

Unfortunately, PotatoLord wasn’t so lucky.

She walked right into the path Stoated and Slap and caused everyone to crash.

Slap fell unconscious.

“WHAT WAS THAT!?!” PotatoLord exclaimed! “I’ll have you know, you’d be dead if I wanted you dead, SO SPIT IT OUT! WHAT HAPPENED!?!”

Stoated tells PotatoLord that Slap was chasing him trying to steal his bag.

Meanwhile, Hue pops out to see what happened as well.

“If Slap were awake right now, I’d give him a piece of my mind!” Said PotatoLord.

“Are you two ok?” Hue said. “That looked like a pretty mean crash.”

“Yea i’m fine-”

“I’M ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!” Said PotatoLord, interrupting Stoated, “Now, if you’d excuse me, I’ve got to be on my way!”
PotatoLord walks away leaving Hue and Stoated alone.

“You wanna team up?” said Stoated, “It’s dangerous to be alone.”

“Sure! Teaming up will definitely help a lot.” said Hue.

Hue and Stoated decide to team up together and head towards the hills up North.


A loud roar comes from far off…

Monke, Gigga, Artie, and G-man all decide to venture to the Cornucopia to see what’s there since they haven’t really explored much. On their way they discover some ancient ruins.

“Let’s explore them,” Says Artie.

G-man is reluctant to, not having any bots ready and fearing the worst, but the rest of his group reassure him.

The moment they step into the ruins, the door shuts behind them, and four zombie-like creatures come out to attack them!

Gigga slashes the first one with his sword, almost killing it.

Artie wacks the head off of the first zombie, leaving 3 remaining.

Monke gambles, he rolls a 10.

Monke nearly kills the second zombie as well.

G-man kicks the second zombie, killing it.

The two other zombies both team up on G-man, leaving him badly injured.

Gigga goes in and attacks both remaining zombies whilst they are close together.

Gigga strikes one in the head, killing it instantly!

The other one manages to get away with minimal damage.

Artie goes and sends his pet Mars to heal G-man, this leaves an opening and the fourth zombie takes it, striking Artie.

Artie was able to block it slightly, causing the zombies attack to do minimal damage.

Monke gambles, he rolls a 19!

Monke gets a lot of boosts but they are halved because the number was odd.

He strikes the zombie, causing it to stagger back.

G-man backs away from the zombie, being injured and not wanting to die.

The zombie strikes at Monke, doing close to nothing.

Monke, feeling his powers start to wear off, strikes once more at the zombie. But not without
rolling first.
IT’S A NAT 20!!!

Monke absolutely obliterates the zombie INTO TOMORROW.

Artie goes to heal G-man again, worrying if he is ok.

But before any celebration could commence, a bulking giant zombie comes out of nowhere, with a key in its pocket.

Gigga strikes at the giant with all his might! But it doesn’t do much against the bulking foe.

Artie finished healing G-man, leaving him feeling better than ever.

Monke, feeling the power surge inside him, STRIKES the zombie’s legs, hoping to demobilize him.

This works, and now the giant is completely immobilized.

G-man goes in for a double punch, doing tons of damage to the giant zombie.

The giant throws a piece of debris at the group, scattering them and dealing substantial damage to the whole group.

Gigga goes in with his sword again, hoping to finish off the zombie. But barely makes a scratch in the zombies flesh.

Artie also goes in for the attack, he does a good chunk of damage, leaving the zombie vulnerable.

Monke, who is still superbuffed, goes to finally finish off the zombie.

Monke rolls a 12.

He lands a critical hit, finishing off the bulking zombie and getting the key to the chest in the back of the room.

“We did it!” says Artie.

“Let’s find out what’s in that chest!” Gigga responds.

They open the chest to find… a dozen bombs, laid out like a carton of eggs.

They each take 3 and go along their merry way.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Cornucopia…

F1NN finds an audio cassette, half-buried, in front of a strange structure that looked almost like a cage.

He places it in a conveniently placed Walkman.

At first, all he can hear is static.

But slowly, he starts making out a sound.

“Hello? Is this thing on?” asked a voice with a high pitch.

“Okay, we’re rolling,” said another voice, gruff and low.

Then, shockingly, F1NN heard his own voice. “Hello, Futurepear. If you are hearing this, it’s because your experiment failed.”

F1NN stared in disbelief and shock.

He barely knew how to operate a cassette, much less a cassette recorder. And he was still quite young.

But then, how was his voice on the cassette, playing before his eyes? He continued listening.

“We know what you’ve been up to this entire time. We knew we couldn’t allow it to be unleashed. So we let you continue your experiments, in hopes of reverting the damage you’d done.” F1NN’s doppelgänger said.

“But if you’re hearing this, it’s too late. But not to worry. We’ve created a failsafe.” The high voice explained.

The higher voice started to sound suspiciously like one of the trainers from tribute training, Lilly.

And the low voice, wasn’t that the voice of Isaiah, the scientist that first helped him with his other senses?

A staticky warning interrupted F1NN’s thoughts.

“Second………cassette…find……under……mountains……the rest is up to you. Do this, or it will break out eventually. Not now, not next month, but many years later. Are you willing to risk the safety of the world for personal gain? Or will you step up to do the right thing? For all of our sakes, I hope that it’s the latter.”

The Walkman shorts out, destroying the cassette inside.

F1NN, still confused, realized that the structure in front of him was shaking violently.

Whatever it was, it was coming. And there was only one person who could stop it.

Night Two

Night 2



-North are the hills
-South are the mountains
-Lush forest on both side, but different types of forest
-Cornucopia in the middle
(Since no one is willing to put the map, I’ll do it. -ArtieMars) i’ll soon redraw the map my way, but better then this


w begining but didnt you say we would be writing parts of the story to? but anym major things like killing stuff like that youd have to decide?


if not then it just becomes reading sim


Lmao why’d you make me perfectly in character like that, i frfr would’ve been camping the door


I wanna join


also @_MV_UN_Faraway_Flame can i fix your minor spelling mistake?


There’s gonna be multiple iterations, if they don’t let you join now you can go in the next one


Penguin wrote this didn’t he?


they have to let me join because I am the owner

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Peng wrote all of this


I assume you mean the Brian instead of brain?


You decide everything, but we do the first day and night


that and has to hasnt


oh ok but is it still true you decide the major stuff?


Oh my god poor future :sob:


I would be adding on to more stuff about that person if you ask me and what you generally want to do


I wish to kms (joke please don’t)


ill do it for u :slight_smile:

1 Like

i fixed your minor spelling mistake


Nuh uh, once I finish sorting through penguin’s stupidity I’ll be able to use his ability