TGFB 27: A different host.

I wish i could’ve participated more, but i did not have my chromebook at all

Maybe but frumpy is gonna vote for me and he’s probably getting all of microwave to as well That’s why he said “HEHEHEH” but it was nice while it lasted



That unsettling

I’m sorry but I voted 4 u :laughing: we all remember how the last mod elections went

Eh, fair enough I guess

Elimination time!

10 whole votes for either @Undefeated_zarooma or @Slapadabass


and only 4 were for Slap! sorry zarooma, with 6 votes, you leave us


Prediction: 4th
Placement: 3rd

Gg zarooma, you were awesome :)

you must win slap and Remember the dates :ghost:

Gg Zarooma.
(Also congrats Hamm for correctly picking the finale!)

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Nvm lol I get it

Right now, I predicted wrong.

Ooh mysterious… :face_in_clouds:

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I actually predicted wrong too :sob:

I didn’t know who should/would win :sob:

I do know who I voted tho :smirk:

The winning person rn has more votes just for them than there are votes for the most voted on Challenge!

Of course, the loser is only 3 points away from catching up

Glaceon is really pondering these posts

Well since i never participated in this one, i will make the story, but it will be something of a medieval knight but with advanced weaponry, and i will do it