Swordbattle.io starter pack (include hints and tips) (in order to obtain the starter pack you have to follow me)

Welcome to swordbattle.io’s starter kit fellow newcomer. (settings) Before you even start playing the game you should go to settings and make sure everything’s right for YOU (hint, it’s best to set your Movement mode to Mouse + Key (you can also change the server). (PvP) when you fight you have to time your hits (hint, after you hit every time back off a little to avoid getting hit) make sure you throw your sword as much as possible because it prevents the other player from healing. (Teaming) it’s good to make friends and team because it’s so much easier (hint, make sure you share the loot or your teammate might get a little angry). (Boost) there are many types of boost but warriors boost are still the best (hint, conner people and then boost on them for an easy kill. (Bots) when you are small try to kill a big bot for gold (hint, bots are easier to kill then players). (map) when you are trying to throw your sword but you can’t see the other player you can use the map to help you see them (hint, the bigger the players are the bigger the red dot is on the map). (friends) friends can help you in so many ways so here’s some players you should befriend 1.Angel 2.loler 3.AbrahamApaza 4.Zackerflower 5.lil harsh 6.WitherKing-77 and so many more (hint, i would avoid Cosmicwarlord for the first few weeks because he’s not always that friendly towards starters). (fourm) It’s a place where you can talk about swordbattle.io and talk with your friends (hint, don’t be rude you’ll regret it). And that’s it for the starter kit, if you have any questions please ask me in the chat below i’d love to help. (And if you haven’t already follow me)


lol, so this is ur new buisness?


yeah, (you need to follow before you can read)

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How friendly in the game am I?

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Ok lol

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you forgot to follow

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To long of a list to read

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you fallow no one :l how sad

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you need to follow

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for the starter pack xD

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What’s sad is he still has more followers then most people

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Do I need to?

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have to or u can’t use the starter pack

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Eh don’t need it

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i’ll murder you in swordbattl.io if you don’t follow

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Nice to know can’t wait till I buy myself a laptop then we will see who is murdered

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i’ll reck you like always

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Haven’t I gotten you down to yellow on Mobil🤨

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You have more followers then potato lord yet she follows that many people

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