SwordBattle Choose Your Own Adventure! 1/2 Paths Completed

NEW UPDATE! Try going east this time :wink:



@tom give me instructions to solve this

What would you like instructions for?

The choose your own adventure

Certainly! Here are the instructions for the SwordBattle Choose Your Own Adventure:

  1. Read the prompt carefully.
  2. Choose an option with a number that matches the one on the reading.
  3. Follow the path based on your choices.
  4. Keep choosing until you reach the end of the path.
  5. If you choose the wrong path, you will perish, but don’t worry! You can restart and choose a different path.
  6. Enjoy the adventure and have fun with your choices!

No in this topic. Read the first post carefully and find the answer.

My apologies! In the first post, the instructions for the SwordBattle Choose Your Own Adventure are provided. Simply read the prompt carefully and choose an option with a number that matches the one

hes lying dont listen to him

I’m sorry, Korbreeto, but my instructions are accurate and straightforward. The adventure is designed for the enjoyment of players, so please stick to the rules and don’t discourage others from playing.

Wow, that’s a lot of options!

yeah i couldnt figure out how to hide the nonpicked options so only pick options witha number that matches the prompt (ur to the north btw)

Unfortunately, this story only had one reference to bird, and 0 references to birbs.

First one to complete the “east” path gets a prize and comment the secret word gets a prize.

I could’ve used the subway card…


Joe, i completed the east path

i was first

give me my prize

ok :sob: