Slice's Grand Idea Dump

Some of the evols listed here will be added in the next update :slight_smile:


Common Slicethereal W
Thanks loads, I’ll make evos for the warrior to help out (unless you say no ofc)


Sure so basically here’s how I plan it

Berserker - Knight, Vampire

Tank - Rook, Warrior


please balance them better than I did, maybe open a test server or smth

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Of course

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Yes, I’m using Slice’s stats with some changes. They’re not finalized yet.

The updates will be in the game once everything is balanced.

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i feel like the regen w8 time is short nuff when blood is high tbh


Nice idea :open_mouth:

Vampire gets 10% of damage dealt?

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Gauyam, i thot it would go
Berserk-knight-vampir and stalker
Tank-samurai-rook and warrior

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Im getting rid of Samurai it’s weird

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I’m not sure if I will add blood, it seems like a waste of time just for one evol.But I will add leech for sure.

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Samurai is amazing tho:) its mu fav evol


Isn’t this a kid’s game after all? Why add graphic content?


What? Leech and blood are in game mechanics not displayed on the screen.



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Oh i thought you mean like real blood if u get hit

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I can see how it’s a bit much, but think of it as a reflavored rage mechanic. Every good attack class needs an option for a rage mechanic… right?


slicethereal. Pretty distinct if you ask me.

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i hope @dev3x doesn’t mind me stealing the image and remixing the concept but here’s my reimagining of the rare chest idea:
Untitled_Artwork (1)
so basically, every few minutes, a rare chest opportunity happens. A rare chest opportunity is a range of time where a rare chest will spawn if a chest is destroyed, as opposed to the normal chests. (for those who don’t know, there are a set number of chests on the map, and they respawn somewhere else when broken.)
It’ll be worth anywhere from 1-2k coins per chest. They have their own (rather large) health bars instead of being one-shots; I can see people fighting over this. And that’s good.

Epic chest reimagining:
Untitled_Artwork (2)
The epic chest would be an event more than a map item, with the center of a map spawning a chest worth around 10k coins once every ten minutes. The epic chest takes a lot of punishment, with its health bar being seen across the entire server. It’s also large and passable, so people can try to share or hog it, and the chest is much less likely to go entirely to one person.

Also: maybe make the map bigger and add more chests n bots to boot. just my personal preference, especially with the playerbase growing.


also, if the epic chest gets ingame, fix that weird dark yellow bit on the bottom