My Friend's Skin Concept/Idea: The "Orifice King"

SO my friend had seen me make a bunch of SB skins and decided he wanted to try and join in. He said that this is his first idea and that people would “without hesitation” buy this skin. Its call the “orifice King”. Orifice means hole. It costs 40,000 and it’s flavor text would be,“O’what a hole!”

Be warned of creepy skin

Wasd warned you :p
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This my friend’s “Orifice King” and the “Finger” sword. He said if people like it, he’ll try to make more.

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As funny and creepy this skin is, I love it.

Is your friend special by any chance? Totally not related to the skin and I am just asking

Get this out of my face


No not at all. He just has a twisted sick sense of humour.

Anime skin 2.0 I swear

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Nah, this is the Orifice King. Hes the king of your orifice.

Yo whats the average age of the average SB gamer. I’m like 16, ya’ll?

Dang it you’re older than me :cry: I’m 14 but the avg is probably 11-13

Dude, and here I was thinking everyone was older.

The only person that might be older than you is shadow I’m pretty sure

Like 7-11 I’d say

Slap where is that Vietnam flashback meme u made but with anime skin

Not sure, if I find it I’ll post it

O you act like a 12 year old but I will take your word for it.

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G, I ain’t no 12 yr-old. R u?

Getting off topic, (plus never ask a women her age) Dm me if you want to know
Anyways this skind should not be added + if it was it will be KOS

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what does KOS mean?

Bro this skin is fire. It’s unsettling nature is what makes it so special.

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