Let me introduce myself

Hi, I am @penguin’s pet penguin!!, I hope to cause chaos and destruction happiness and order in the forum!!
I have a gun on me so watch out!! :shoot:
btw this is just @penguin’s alt account


Hmmm I wonder what got crossed out? Its probably nothing.


Btw this is my alt account

(of @twofoursixeight) at least

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I’m scared

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Are you scared that these alt accounts will take over?


no I don’t got a alt

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Oh ok

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you sound like a cool person, which you are. but my name is Alex.

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Hello, nice that you’re on! pets @penguin_spy
:shoot:penguin spy are you planning to kill me?
Also I’m planning to give this acc to my friend that I think matches personality perfectly!!

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I won’t kill you :shoot:

harambe? (idk thats the only friend i know of other than slap)

Nope, a different friend. (Idk who but I think it’s the Canadian)

Harambe can speak in German, Russian, Portuguese, English and French I think…

He’s a madman but he’s a civilized madman