For Every Reply This Post Gets...

For every reply this post gets, I’ll kill one person in sb.
for ex. if I it gets 7 replies, I have to do a run with 7 kills
if it gets 56 replies, I have to gulp do a run with 56 kills
the deadline for replies is the end of the day for me. (5hours 30 mins)

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Haha jk.

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if u live in the us u live in west cost xDD cuz it must be 6:30 for u lol

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Brotha LOL

So more reply = good?

:skull: shadow has h/w to deal with that’s prob why lol

So what do we talk about?

Let’s flood this topic!!

We have a couple more hours!!

How do u get replies in a topic?


What’s best way to get replies in a topic hmmm

Ping people

Or maybe talk about contriversial topics?

Make it 24 hours because that’s too lame
so 8 more hours

Fr more @Slapadabass could we pretty pretty please spam replies?

That would be a funny idea but probably not a nice one hmm

HE in school lmao