Censoring names go wrong



And that’s just the start of it. There are so many other names that shouldn’t be allowed :sob:

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yeah hes bad

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Bro it’s nothing compared to what I have seen.

theres a dude named sexsexsexsex17 something like that

try, :“TheSemenSummoner”

“thecockmaster69” :skull:

or just racial slurs

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Should’ve seen the n word ones

“is this thing on???” type name

that guy was like: why are you killing me?
and I said “your name”
and he said “what’s wrong with it?” :skull:

Did you at least win

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Theres a dude with a name called “Dogday x Catnap”. If you want your braincells intact, don’t search that up.

yep, he got another guy to team and they still lost xDD