U actually killed me lol also sorry no harsh feelings I was playing without account, you prob remember me I’m not gonna reveal myself I actually was trying and I suck at v2 pvp

Also had no idea u would actually see this

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and u suck at v1 pvp too

hey thats rude im flagging your post for cursing!! @moderator!s

Disrespect towards admins INSTA BAN


what if I flag the owner for cursing? :thinking:

So… do I get coins for killing him?

Idk ask @powerplay

Good boy. You said it meanwhile i got flagged for it :rofl:

skill issue

owner getting flagged?
thats crazy

Skill issue (jk I’ll kill him)

arctic glacier lol i remember him from soo long ago, an old friend, idk does he still remember me

Not me👿.

ofc I remember u, we had great times.

Tiger lizzy, it has been a very long time, would be amazing to see u again :slight_smile:

np lol

@powerplay holy shi this is funny, i can beat him anyday dont stress xD

bro :/

but i wouldnt kill u nomore lol -_-