You Vs ME (comparison)

ColoredHue B)


idk, i cant checkā€¦
(swordbattle is blocked and my unblocker doesnt let me view my profile)

angel vs cvefy


y me vs my mum???

bc it gunna be funny i need popcorn :smiley:

Pvp: Angel 1-0
Skills: Angel 2-0
Runs when low: Idk so tie
Iq: Cvefy 2-1
Battle iq : angel 3-1
Angel wins

iq for school??? i am way smarter then angel

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iq in general

it is fixed

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Coolector Assassin


warning! none of these are true!

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Pvp: A 1-0
Skills:Me 1-1
runs when low: me 2-1
Iq: A 3-1
Battle Iq 3-2
3-2 Assasinator wins

i never got comparedā€¦


Pvp: Me 1-0
Skills: me 2-0
Runs when low: 2-1
Iq: D 2-2
Battle Iq: me 3-2
I win 3-2

I need ur rank dude. R u in top 100?

I canā€™t check but iā€™m in top 500 I thinkā€¦
(very impressive, ik)

lol iq 3-1