Who's the best forum mod?

Just ask chat now just give coder the info he needs

This is basically just like that (off topic so sorry). But I’ll try and make it quick. I have absolutely no interest (maybe soon but definitely not now) in being a mod, but would I be an ok one? Or at least a decent mod?

It has not come though yet and plz just ask chat


Ok, sorry!


Prob zarooma and cosmic with angel coming in 3td.
Also who is hugo?

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I chose fish, coder, and manage. Why? They’re really fun and they are overall cool people. I like the roast battles in chat lately too. I was gonna choose Mit or Zarooma if I could choose more. (Dev and Angel are good too I CANT PICK EVERYONE OKAY DEV IM SORRY)


When’s next mod elections? (I voted zarooma :smiley: )

@gautam is my choice because I knew him for years and never did anything bad. Y’all other mods can’t say “I did nothing” because I only knew you for a couple of months so I pick Gautam.


And @Mitblade ofc

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i chose fish cuz yeah, and same for mit, and i chose myself cuz i only have like 1 vote cries

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sry you have been really inactive lately

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Who is hugo

Zarooma cause he’s zarooma :zap:
Codergautam cause he made the game
Ethan cause he’s helping you make :moneybag:

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Angel, Manage, and Fish


my 4th and 5th and 6th would be Coder And Zarooma and Mitblade

Angel , fish, harshit

Sorry manage,zarooma, dev3x

Why harsh over me? :(

@Fish and @dev3x mitt tried to start revolution…

harsh i would be better if he was not inactive

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<3 thank you