Who knows the clan names?

you could say a partifular figure could be practically anyone. so you can say all christians are in a cult due to the fact that they worship the particular figure known as jesus.

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No they worship god.

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I wouldn’t consider Christianity a “small religious group” tho

I guess so, but cult has a really negative connnotation. And I’m dissapointed you’re siding against me on this one.

Oh dang, my bad bro. Meant it as a joke.
Guys, I lied. MV isn’t a cult. It’s a good clan with good people :)

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Bro wtf delete that rn

I think he’s referring to this post: Ayo whos clan is this?

But still Spiffy, delete it.

shadow i missed u

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It’s more of a joke cult/clan, I don’t believe it’s a serious thing. MV is made up of many people who don’t play/barely play soo…

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Why are you talking about us, the topic was someone asking what the clan names are. So what do you do, you had to start talking about our clan honestly grow up and learn how to keep your mouth shut.

she changed her user then back

stfu kid

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your clan is dissing clans


TO clan


How are you gonna call me a kid, when you have the intellect of a flamingo.

just so u know py flamingos are considered to be one of the smartest birds so i dont think that can be used as an insult

u shoulda called him a dodo

so quick before he gets on edit ur post

They maybe semi-intelligent, but they’re still considered dumb. :smile: (matter of fact, they’re considered one of the top 10 most dumbest animals to exist)

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