Who is Your ENEMY in the game?

I just wanna know who is you main enemy in the game.

Zarooma is my friendly rival if thats what you mean

yeah you dont have to hate them.

Bots, I guess.

I use them for grinding kills.

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Oh yeah i heard of him. He if op

I care for all, even bots :)



i just do

acol he has killed me like 100 times while trying to be peaceful


When someones attacking you, what do you do?

most of the time just hit them once then run away, if they annoy me, then kill.

Me sometimes. I used to play like that. Bots always keep attacking me though. I just kill them if they are in my line of sight and if they are big enough.

except u

oh cosmicwarlord

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i don’t necessarily hate u but i think of you as a rival


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