Who is ur best friend on sb

And hey sniff I wasn’t on your list :cry:

I didnt have a list cant be bothered

Still wasn’t on it and if you can’t be bothered then you know why i didn’t put all the names :face_with_monocle:

So we even your now on my list :handshake:


Hmm I take that as a yes here have another gun to :gun: now you can be like Rex in Star Wars

train for another 100 years

how about you do 10 years and ill take 1/4 it

ooops i forgot bout u hold on editting… (@_IK_Assasinator im removing u…)

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you just warm me up we dont team i always kill u

You got at least one person then

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screw you too

I never said u we my friend andi always killu not the other way

Good boi

angel is :>


Honestly I haven’t been here long but @Slapadabass is always kind and helpful to everyone and is generally just a good and kind person. Same goes for @Undefeated_zarooma, and they are just fun to be with. @potatolord has always been nice to me when no one else has, and even though she has a god(ess) complex, she can be a really good person if you see past it. I mostly remember @SpiffyCayden , @SHINOBISLAYER , @vul , and @sage for being nice to me ingame and destroying me in other games like gimkit and nitro type. @DesertShadow was also an all around fun person.


WHTT ABOUT ME :frowning:

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all around fun person!!! NICE
thank you!

top 7


i like you, but i can’t publicly be seen saying that