What has happened to this game

I can say your in the top 10(or 15) but not second

Easy solution
server hop

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unless silverwolf is on that dude is relentless
he just hops servers with me just to kill me over and over again

Yeah, anything below and it’s not worth it.

This is why u should make people spawn on the outskirts randomly and have more coins and chests in the middle. Also bigger map helps

Main reason. Or excuse. Here’s the thing. Killing and eating ur self is, by far, the most efficient gold strat. Lotta gold, and it’s pretty fast. Issue is, if other players are about, schoddalido. No more. Ofc, u can have someone guard, but

  1. They’ve also go thing to do, ppl to eat
  2. They might accidentally be pushed in.
  3. Someone might heft past them.
    Solution? Bully until there’s no one, then solo kill farm. When that eventually runs out, stop the bullying and let others in, before eating them when they cross 10-15k. Once you’ve built up another nest egg, rinse and repeat.
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i just kill people cause its fun idc if someone else takes the gold either jus let me kill em

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