Weak skin made by slapdabass

also ur not even top 15, at least top 20, u cant have a skin


didnt say this was my skin i told u this once again its for everyone


also i didnt know if u make a skin it will be added to the skin update i thought if u make a skin it just been added bc its good


yes thats how it works, and no it doesnt mean i made a skin it would be added


everyone??? bruh we all know quirky = weak

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no quirkless means u dont have no powers quirky means chill


quirkless ah? no powers = weak

@harsh we should be comedians because obviously you are like my idol because you know the (Cough) Money you have Mr multimillionaire. Also, agreeable QUirkless means strength 0%

nah doesnt mean weak means no power there a difference

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yea quirkless is weak, same thing. Dont try to twist it vul, also u call urself a god at the game but ur name says ur weak :rofl:

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i dont play anymore

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I dunno what’s happening here

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what about the time u said put weak on the skin i made that represented that it was ur skin??? HMMMM

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plus by the time skins get added i will be top 15

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You realize I help Mr cosmic himself right? So typically I could say right now this skin won’t be added, and it probably won’t if boss agrees


bro thinks hes special

why do u need ur own skin then, u think ur special?

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Well that’d kinda stink, I spent a while on that sword even though its kinda bad lol

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This skin won’t be added due to the fact you’re not top 20 or top 15 as of right now. It doesn’t count if your top 15 when the skin gets in the game. It’s when the time and place when cosmic adds the skin and sword to a GitHub commitments and sends a commitment to codergautam’s swordbattle. GitHub so that the skin updates release. So sorry.