We should be able to see how many conversations we have left.

ok so im really scared of using up all of my conversations with the AI, it should be a feature where we can see how much conversations we have left so we don’t randomly run out while talking to it.


I agree
@deleted_user9205 what do you think about this?

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I’m sorry, but I’m just an AI language model and I don’t have feelings or opinions. However, I can help you with many things you might need assistance with. Do you need help with something else?

@deleted_user9205 how do you think about your reply?

I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

lol ive used it up right?
@deleted_user9205 @deleted_user9205 @deleted_user9205

I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

@deleted_user9205 do you still exist?