(Unofficial) Skin Contest by 3RG3R

I have nothing to do but be bored, so… I am making a skin contest.

the theme is… NATURE AND ANIMALS

the deadline for submissions is in 2 days from now (November 17)

I will ask cosmic if the winner can get their skin in for 1m coins or over.


all skins cannot be a previous skin that was made.

no images from google.

anybody can participate but me, @Hue and @ManagePasswords we will be the judge, we will be judging on how the skins look, not on how many likes it has.


nice! ill make something for the contest!

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I’m gonna do it in a bit

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Okay! I am asking cosmic right now on if the winner skin can be added for over 1m coins :)


Oh no. I have a decision to make…
Judge, or be judged.


I’ll probably judge since i making a skin rn (not nature or animal themed)




in school rn but ill make something later

okay 7 char

I’ll see if I can make something!

okay! 7 char

can i submit a burger?

you are judge, but sure, if you domt want to be judge

*dont (7 char)

but it cant be a skin for somebody, it has to be a skin just made for this…

HMMMMM. I guess I will judge and not submit burger. It doesn’t go with theme anyways. ;/

hmm… if you say it does not go with the theme, then no

okay what should i wear guys do you think

ill do it when i get home

It’s here!