Trying to glitch out of the map. DAY 1: seeking

me and my friend have set a goal to reach outside of the map barrier, here are our strategies.

  • we try to use the tank method, where we become big and try to carry the player outside of the map
  • we stay in a corner and then we have a berserk push us out

honestly idk if this is gonna work we’ll think of more methods.

write down some methods that can work, and ill see which ones can work.


Hm well you might need a bersker and a NOTHER tank to grow big in a attempt to push you as well

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i had done it before already and how to do it is when you glitch in a corner then you become afk than join in the same lobby and you might see your other you outside the map

@ANGEL u have to do alt acc now tht ur first :)

@ANGEL Want to play?

sure meet me usa sever


Where’d you go?

nvm sorry kitty but now am busy ill tell you when I can play again ok?

ok, I have only one hour of free time left though.

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