Treasure Chest Skin

I want my skin

Dont add it bc im not top 10 yet


he probably means like a “skilzzz skin”

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I’ll try to work on a new sword. I’m also going to try to remake the skin to add a bit of shading (but I still suck at it).

Edit: Yeah I don’t think I have the creativity to come up with a good key design.

Here’s the remade skin (with/without a texture). Please let me know if you have any feedback/comments. Thank you!

chestPlayer (with texture)

chestPlayer (without texture)


Its fine gautam tends to act sped sometimes

skilzzz… your dead

but why are you talking about that in a random other skin topic, its off topic pls dm me or make a new topic for it

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Welp, I wasn’t too creative with this



I like without seems more cartoony

Setting up a poll. I honestly like both of them.

Which treasure chest skin looks better?
  • With texture (top one)
  • Without texture (bottom one)
0 voters

chestPlayer (with texture)
chestPlayer (without texture)

Any ideas for a description are welcome.

I’m thinking “You have became the very thing you swore to destroy” but idk

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Bro he cant kill me im better

I’ll be the judge of that. In game. You’re a dead man.

Bro i said sorry