Too crowded, too lag, need more servers

I got in a game with 55 people lol

and the suicide prevention ad, like…why

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oh god

When was this

hello fish

If 40+ players becomes a regular thing i’ll def invest in servers, for now just use settings to switch to a less crowded server. sorry about that.


maybe expand map a bit? for now

Yeah, ive seen like servers where it just gets overcrowded literally what this topic is abt

yeah maybe new maps or just a map increase like you said could help idrk

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ive been in a 65 player server


@gautam ads are blocked from my computer unfortuantly, if they weren’t I would boost your revenue by watching ads and dying so I can watch more ads ;)

same here coloredhue

47? The most I’ve ever been in is 30.

you can bypass that if you want to try pretty sure. I mean kids are downloading amazon prime on our school ipads here.


I have amazon prime unblocked

You add my school are different/:

why are people downloading amazon prime?

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I installed minecraft on the school laptops once


i installed minecraft too