Thoughts about new update


Here is your place to share your thoughts about the Sep 26 update. Just a recap.

16 new skins added! (thx @ManagePasswords )

Evolution trees system updated (Rook, Vampire, Warrior, removed Samurai)

Leaderboard displays a lot more players (103)

New leaderboards added (total kills, coins, and playtime)

User Graph updated (shows playtime, coins, and kills)

XP calculation updated (1kill = 300XP, 1coin=1XP)

Leave ur thoughts below, thanks!


@SliceAnd_DiceTheReal (evolution ideas)
@ManagePasswords (implementing new skins)
@anon43577364 , @D_DragonProgrammer , @Storm , @SykoniX_45 , @dev3x (creating new skins)

Please forgive me if I didn’t mention your name, I know a lot of people made skins and I can’t remember all of them lol.

send a mention below if one of your skins was added and I will put ur name in credits


Plz explain each evol thoroughly like u did for first time

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Awesome . love it

and also @Storm I LOVE your skin :grinning:


whats the rook

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Edit my post to explain evols (im too lazy)

I dont know them

Did u do wht i asked?

Rook: low knockback when hit. Is long tankn super.

Warrior: a smaller smurai and stronger

Vampire: steals health and super is like knight but weaker

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@gautam the new update is sick! Although I can’t really play the new update either

How do you get the new evols?


Like the rook and warrior cuz I only could get them once and idk how to get them

what is the rook look like

A bunch of white rctangles

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U have to be tank to get those two
For knight and vampire u have to be berserk



not what I expected from the warrior, but I’m glad they got ingame nonetheless!
All in all, great update!
To a future of slicing! Gautam forever!

