The Forum is weird

The forum has so many quirks that I can’t list them all. To name a few, the posting and replies need to be reworked, and even if you specify the no emails setting, it still sends them to you, to name a few. I guess this is the unofficial complaint document (for now). If there is something annoying about the forum just report it here. CYA!


just block the email


the people on it are annoying


says you ur so annoying

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wait… i just edited the title.
Can anyone do that?


you are a regular so you can edit the title tags and topic of a post

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I figured something out. You can only change the tag to forum if you are a mod.


ooh you’re right… @Undefeated_zarooma? heh heh can you change it back to forum?

im a member cuz im not very active and i can edit lol

hey thats not an insult thats a compliment everyone is weird in some way

Umm that would be a bug I think haven’t you been a regular

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uh there is a email setting im pretty sure for forums so you wont get emails for every post, I dont get emails lol


please stop changing the name

Lol there has been 8 edits XD

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