The forum battle 1: and the losing team is...

oof i forgot wht team i am in for a sec


if you watch bfdi, you'll understand this. Zarooma did the best last challenge, so they get a win token! A win token allows you to half your votes at elimination time!

Nice zarooma!

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whats bfdi?

oh i see

i should’ve spend more time on my skin, i might’ve gotten a win token if i did :(

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when will voting end?

and that leaves me…

I don’t think team captains can get voted out, can they?


i was on the elimination form

Oh. Good luck man


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I think that they are all great I am the violent watch and we do not want there to be some beef around the other teams

idk he hasn’t done anything in weeks

why would assasinator and vul be removed? they are rlly gud at pvp (that is IF assasinator had a mouse

(cuz that is the point eliminate the compition)

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oh wait their not gud at skins

dawg :skull:
