TGFB 14 tricky

  1. never throw your sword when the person your fighting is close it doesnt give a huge knock back and that will lead them to a easy hit on u
  2. make sure not to get hit more than 3 times if you do your opponent has the game in their hands unless u hit them a lot too
  3. throw your sword as much as you. throwing your sword is important because that gives a damage affect and it could lead u to winning your fight.
  4. never get cocky. i get cocky all the time because im the best pvper but if ur not that good like me dont get cocky for example if your 1v1ing your friend and you get them to yellow they still have a chance on winning depending on how good they are
  5. if you throw your sword you have a little running boost ur sword makes you slower so if your tryna run away for someone make sure u hit them with your throwable sword for a huge knock back and throw your sword for a little running boost
    (thanks a lot also for tgfb 14)


5 points.

Proper size, but missing a TGFB in the title, and a @Hamm in the topic, as it was in a reply

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ok thanks

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i put the tgfb in it

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no, that was me…


oh k

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@Hamm he did put it

No, I did in an edit.

wanna get eaten?

that is not true, u could turn the whole game around even if your yellow, just focus ig


Sometimes i let people take me down to yellow, then kill them lol

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why was this flagged?

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i do not know

yeah i got you to yellow then you picked up the pace and well… we know how that goes lol



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