Skilled bots?

We could add a system where there are different levels of bots with some being weak and others being stronger and it would be signified by a helmet or a different coloured sword


Maybe the sword color will be even found in the gold chest with a spawn rate in them and when picked up ur sword color will change and each of them will deal more damage or bonus (ext) Like faster sword throwing. and armor too will be found to increase health or like other games u have to break armor first to get to health and u can regenrate the armor


Bot sword colors:
Indigo: Weakest AI player, fast, moderate damage
Blue: Fast AI player, more agressive, low damage
Green: Low mobility, passive, extremely high damage
Yellow: Normal statistics
Orange: High mobility, high damage, low health
Red: Extremely high health and mobility, extremely low damage

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Would be nice but in order for that to happen I think small players should spawn on the outskirts where there isn’t much while the middle has more chests drawing in bigger players


I think what would be cool is if different bots have different weakness and advantages, like one having high speed but low defense. Another thing that should happen would be that stronger bots only go for bigger players, so that the smaller players won’t get killed easily


I agree but how would you tell one has lower Defense?


More damage taken per hit


add different servers for each level of bots :person_shrugging:


I think instead of just buffing bots, bots should have different skill levels. Some noob ones that swing randomly and pro ones that time their shots.

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ye, and they would target different players, for example small players by noob bots and big players by pro bots

@gautam ?

This might be intresting

I like the idea of AI NPC’s. I would suggest matching the colors (difficulties) to the corresponding chest colors. Also to mix it up, each color AI NPC should have two-subtypes - i.e.

Yellow high Defense
Yellow High Speed
Blue Hi Regen
Blue Hi Health
Purple high attack
Purple high defense

The color or their sword identifies them ( Black for subtype one and White for Subtype 2)
The look should become the standard MASCOT for SwordBattle.IO

They can all look the same except colors change

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