Queen skin 👑 By: Queen_psycho

be patient

Lmao tmrw will be so fun filled with complaints…

Oh yea that will be fun lol

Even ifi don’t do work and only easy stuff, im prob a admin who ads skins soi can deal with all the whiners and gautam can concerned on the main stuff

Yea is the cylinder skin by color hue coming into the game

Yes and wait for the prices…
Gautam said it HAD to be over 2m so I complied

Is the yin and yang skin coming? :]

Oh wow I need to grind on Mobil :grimacing:

Bro can people stop making skins AFTER THEM SELFS (also hehe 69 message)


It’s a queen skin. it’s fine, just like with sea, or assasain

Assassin wasn’t made by me

Making a skin after yourself just seem selfish

what about sea?

Wasn’t active that time

What? that doesn’t make sense

i wasn’t active when that skin was made

That doesn’t make it not valid

y cant they?

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