Over 3,000,000 XP

Wait let me also make a one day story too
one day no one will pass me cause i will have 10000000000+ xp ok the END>:)

idk man the server looks pretty dang good right now
If you want ping any better you’d need to either switch to another language, upgrade the servers, or make an incredibly complex performance optimised node.js program.

The best option would be re-making it using a compiled lang like C++.
But that is a lot of work.

If you divide total xp by playtime I would probably be better than most players

My XP divided by my playtime in seconds is: 37.3532786177


I’m not better than you or ANGEL, I’m too lazy to see exactly where I place.

it tells u inn the profile tho… Who wants to add the India skin? or the shoe skin?

ngl i got like 40k for every 5mins played tod

no the main problem is, there’s too much data sent.

For example, we don’t need to resend every player’s name 30 times a second.

We also don’t need to send the position of every player to every player 30 times a second.

We only need to send close players’ info, so that unnecesary players aren’t rendered and overall increaing bandwith

when will cookie come out?.. is there anything I need to add to the code or anything?

Be patient. You can’t expect it to pop up on the same day you pull the request, especially if you only submit a partial pull request.

i for some reason really wanna fight you even though ill probably lose

not probably, will

At least if you do loose and if am right about my math the max you will survive is 1:30 max cause umm most people who 1v1 me last about up too max 1:30

there was that one time u gave up on killing me …

cuz u probably kept running away or I just gave up cause I did not feel like it

I ran, im a master runner

Then more likely I just gave up cause I was getting tired of the Try-na kill manage chase

exactly, uve only killed me once and that was NOT correct

no i had killed you like at least 7-15 times