cats not yummy eat yourself instead. you are more yummy than cats

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tiger has better meat than manage and cats bro =))

I eat sea water, LOL.

hehe, I’m salty, u cant drink me

I’m a cat, I eat EVERYTHING.

then u will cough out me, hehe


What is happening. WHY ARE THERE CANNIBALS

than i will take the salt away and drink you

there’s dirt in there

then filter the sea and drink it loool

hehe, cats and tiger cant and dont know how to filter

then ask humans who understand tigers and cats to filter

they have there own water so they dont need to do that

Stop spamming. Tske to dms

@Kitty118 @TigerLizzycgkck @Sea Count me in on this!

count what

on the topic you guys are talking about:(((((((((((((((((

Ok, so I’ll just eat sea without filters. Then I’ll turn into a cat made of salt. :cat2: + :salt:

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Take the chat to dms