New Attack Idea

Right now you can swing your sword and throw it, I think that there should be more attacks, (maybe for everyone, just for certain evolutions, or when you reach a certain level.) Anyways my idea is for the player to swing their sword in a circle and hit any players near them. It would have a similar cool down to the sword throw and would add more strategy to the game. It would also encourage people to use sword throw and would disencourage small players to attack big ones and kill them instantly.


U cannot discourage me from attacking big people lol


but roaching is my bud he helps me kill #1s

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Interesting idea I think it would be good for an evolution, maybe after rook/warrior

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100k maybe

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maybe like 60k 100k would be great time for big evol though but not to many make there they git roached before then so maybe this could allow them to have beater time against roaching.

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what about a crit hit for after knight or vamp

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I would say 50k actually


hmmm like the idea

Gaitam, do u rememmber wht u told me long ago. Will it ever happen?

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I forgot what?

Go to dms

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