Mod Tiers?

Wait doom got banned

No, his alt

These are some fun ones if you remember what they where doing

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Ah I remember, those were goid

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But fish dose the best messages

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No doubt

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@Ghxstly was one of my favorite he said at least no mod is on just as I got on XD

Wait why is Spiffy banned again

He wanted to be


Oh. RIP ig

Can i create an alt and you ban it?

thats why cosmi is best

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#1 @Slapadabass (made mah skin)
#2 @ManagePasswords (addin mah skin)
#3 @ANGEL (taught me stuff and got me muted for e spammin in dms)


lol still cant believe angel did that to you to mine was in gen though

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well…If u don’t come out with a shampoo that makes you never grow hair again then i’ll have to get rid of 69 of my subscripions, that would put me at 351 subscriptions
(quick math 420 - 69 = 351)