[IDEA] Accessories

color made a ton of skins pretty much slap for the fourm before they went inactive coding


oh they have to be the best skin makers


Fr though Iā€™m literally worse colored

thatā€™s debatableā€¦ ;/
I would say weā€™re about the same in skill!


Lol, Iā€™m not close to you, youā€™re leagues above me

not really, some of my skins are way worse than yours

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I made the anime skin.

When that skin gets added, u get added to Le blacklist

ā€¦@potatolord Why did you do this to me

I just got off your blacklist god dang it

Good idea. But it should be different on each skin and cost coins.

Im bringing this back add cat ears ā€¦ lmao

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