I declare war on u all

Hello I want to find ANGEL where can I find he or she?

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It is a she give it a couple of hours for here to get to on

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm she may not come on until later bc of chruch

People say I am half a pro

gl with tht

You can message angel by clicking on @ANGEL and pressing chat or message

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u cant even beat me, harsh, or rlly anyone in a 1v1, so 1st great swordbatte war, more like vul getting destroyed over and over again


OHHHHHH wait i thot he beat harsh or did he lie…

i did a few times

i prob can now

i can beat u and i beat harsh before so wdym

HAHAHA, you fool, i could take you on!

and lose

lol idk as long as u try u might beat anyone if u put ur mind to it

If i have knight and they are rook i can always win, but never with anything else

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not really with me:)

If I have warrior vamp or knight I will win against rook because knowone who is good uses rook it soooooo slow

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What is the definition of pro?

I don’t know I just play

A professionall; especially in sports