I Am Starting a Swordbattle What-If

What if I made swordbattle.io

what if Angel quited

then it wouldn’t exist, because do you even know how to code js?

What if i never came to replit? (Me going to replit made me discover swordbattle and the forums)

What if all the O.Gs left suddenly only leaving the newbies in charge?

what if i was always this nice?

What if bots became sentient?

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What if I stopped making skins, better yet, what if every actually drawn skin never existed?

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choose between those 2

Flip a coin, first option is heads the other is tails

AWESOME make a what if swordbattle.io was real life and we were all getting hunted by forest demons


i know its gonna be just like real life :D

Got 3.
What if slapdabass never existed?
What if coder quit?
What if swordbattle was more popular?

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Guys why do I feel myself disintegrating

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What if when you die in Swordbattle, you can’t ever play again (Alts could work ig)

What if slapdabass never slapped the bass

I would be Pluckadabass


What if Acol owned sb? Did he hack in his coins???
What if Your mom actually played sb?
What if Your mom is ANGEL?
What if there were no instruments?
What if i stopped Slapping Slapadabass?
Ooh the reminds me… daily slapping time @Slapadabass

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Please stop the slap train, I can’t stand it anymore, it’s clogging my dms.