Hi it ben i long time senes i made a topic

hi want to say thing you for following me have a good day :grin:

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Now i only ask one thing of you…

Sign up.

im not tryna’ being rude but can you pls choose the right categories/tags, i appreciate u saying to everyone “have a good day”, also this can be told in swordbattle chats. Thanks, have a nice day :)


i know your not tiereing to be rube but if you want to tell me this you seekp to me on chat or message me

im saying it so if other new users see it they will see it too instead of me pming’ them

unlike harsh i dont give a damn if I seem like im rude or not and idc. STOP MAKING SPAM TOPICS LIKE THESE. This is probably like your 4th warning. next time I see you making random topics when there is another solution/way, I will silence you for 3 days


nah i don’t care i will make anyee topic i wont ok if you dont like my topics dont look at them

They are a mod. they kinda have to

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I have to look at the topics, also I check all topics and HATE spam

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sorry not for you

okay and i don’t think i ask :expressionless:

this is your last warning, am closing the topic. don’t breach the rules again. only create topics for important things

okay but don’t tell me what to do you ant my mom

i can and will tell u what to do as it is my job to ensure the forum rules r followed and have been given the appropriate power

no you well not your not my dad you ant my mom you can ban me do what evrey you want but do not tell what to do

Alr Buy Bye! :)

bye really i nevre see you aging

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Cosmic!! How is this wrong?
@U.U wants to get more likes on his posts, he asked me last time how to. those posts should not have a punishment of silence 3 days

You don’t ask for likes by creating a new topic plus you know that ur not allowed to make junk
That’s why general was removed