Hi I'm CoderElijah!

I have been active on Replit for quite awhile and have also played swordbattle.io several times. I have heard great things about this forum and was told to make an intro here by @GiggaPoggers. Sorry if the category/tag is wrong. This is my first post on this forum.


Welcome to the forum!


Nice too see you. Welcome to the forum!

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hey, wanna be a part of a gang of lowlifes??

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Not right now thank you.

Welcome to the forum, hope you have a good time here! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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Alright. Have a nice day!

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Showcase works just fine!

Welcome to the forum!

Don’t advertise TGFB Don’t advertise TGFB
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dont listen to this man he is trying to scam u into becoming a member of a clan called MV(mircowave). besides having an awful name, there second most defining trait is trying to get ppl to join them by offering protection. Even though they might seem like a good choice at first, youll soon realize that they cant protect themselves let alone you. Take it from one Elijah to another, dont join them. There are many other better options for clans to choose from if you want to join one at all(which u dont even have to). The perpose of having a clan is to protect your members and make friends(friends do not come with mircrowaveclan). Now personally i would want you to join my clan {FC}, fightclub, because of my personal opinion and because the fact that it is the biggest active clan out there with some of the greatest pvpers(myself who is the second best pvper). but because i want you to know that this information is true i will not ask that of you. So the next two best options are Octopi clan and {CK}, clan killers(currently in an alliances with MV and FC). Octopi will require you to change your username to include their slogo in forum(usually clans only change their name in game), and they are not often online in game. however they are filled with some of the most influencial forum users and Admins so it comes with some great connections. Other than that there is ck, which has the largest total amount of users and some incredible leaderboard players. Plus the leader is @ANGEL , who not only is #2 on the leaderboards, and one of the most og players, but she also is the only person who i would consider better than myself at pvp in game(that i have fought). if you want to contact these clans you can dm their leaders, but Please consider my own as i am often active on both forum and in game, and am completely loyale to my clan above all others. Enjoy the forum and happy stabbing.(not made with AI)



Oh my goodness

Dont worry @CoderElijah you will find things like this.
Sorry to say it.

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They dont really need to change their name if they dont want instead just put it in their bio to let them know their not a free agent so that is it afterall :smiley:

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It is correct. The category is correct.

good to know. i thought it was a requirement bc every member seemed to have it

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I can tell it didn’t use AI, here’s the reply with better grammar

don’t listen to this man, he is trying to scam u into becoming a member of a clan called MV(microwave). Besides having an awful name, their second most defining trait is trying to get ppl to join them by offering protection. Even though they might seem like a good choice at first, you’ll soon realize that they can’t protect themselves let alone you. Take it from one Elijah to another, don’t join them. There are many other better options for clans to choose from if you want to join one at all(which u don’t even have to). The purpose of having a clan is to protect your members and make friends(friends do not come with a microwave clan). Now personally I would want you to join my clan {FC}, fight club, because of my personal opinion and because the fact that it is the biggest active clan out there with some of the greatest pvpers(myself who is the second best pvper). but because I want you to know that this information is true I will not ask that of you. So the next two best options are the Octopi clan and {CK}, clan killers(currently in an alliance with MV and FC). Octopi will require you to change your username to include their logo in the forum(usually clans only change their name in the game), and they are not often online in the game. however, they are filled with some of the most influential forum users and Admins, so it comes with some great connections. Other than that there is ck, which has the largest total amount of users and some incredible leaderboard players. the leader is @ANGEL, who not only is #2 on the leaderboards and one of the most og players, but she also is the only person who I would consider better than myself at pvp in the game(that I have fought). if you want to contact these clans you can dm their leaders, but Please consider my own as I am often active on both forums and in-game, and am completely loyal to my clan above all others. Enjoy the forum and happy stabbing. (not made with AI)

u just wasted 10 minutes of your life for this


That’s what i do

here’s one with even BETTER grammer:

Don’t listen to this man; he is trying to scam you into becoming a member of a clan called MV (microwave). Besides having an awful name, their second most defining trait is trying to get people to join them by offering protection. Even though they might seem like a good choice at first, you’ll soon realise that they can’t protect themselves, let alone you. Take it from one Elijah to another; don’t join them. There are many other better options for clans to choose from if you want to join one at all (which you don’t even have to). The purpose of having a clan is to protect your members and make friends (friends do not come with a microwave clan). Now personally, I would want you to join my clan, FC, because of my personal opinion and because it is the biggest active clan out there with some of the greatest pvpers (including myself, who is the second best pvper). But because I want you to know that this information is true, I will not ask that of you. So the next two best options are the Octopi clan and CK, clan killers (currently in an alliance with MV and FC). Octopi will require you to change your username to include their logo in the forum (usually clans only change their names in the game), and they are not often online in the game. However, they are filled with some of the most influential forum users and administrators, so it comes with some great connections. Other than that, there is CK, which has the largest total number of users and some incredible leaderboard players. The leader is @ANGEL, who is not only #2 on the leaderboards and one of the most OG players, but she is also the only person who I would consider better than myself at pvp in the game (that I have fought). If you want to contact these clans, you can DM their leaders, but please consider my own, as I am often active on both forums and in-game and am completely loyal to my clan above all others. Enjoy the forum and happy stabbing! (not made with AI)

Stop fixing each other’s grammar and keep this on topic please