Golden Assassin Skin!

Gautam working on V2 not careing be like.

i really like this skin i hope they add it to the game

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It’s not bad, don’t get me wrong, but I kinda feel like the skin and sword are two different art styles, like it’s the same color scheme but somehow it feels different, you know?

Just my thoughts. Overall rating skin is pretty good but could use some minor touch-ups;

I give it a 6/10, it could definitely use cleaner lines and some shading as well. Great start!

Ribbit! :frog:

A spec ops guy?

No, it’s some kind of naruto thing :skull:

No as in a skin that would fit the sword :skull:

Oh, yeah that would fit better. :skull:

can you add copyrighted skins to the game? @Fish

what do you think

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Not copyrighted I add the swirl from the free shapes cause it looks blank.

plz add it, it will be very cool and i wanted it

but it 5mil which will be hard to get

You would be surprised how many of us can get 5 mil in 2 3 or 4 days

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I could probs do it in 4 if I had the time



Scratch that make it two

I think this would be a great skin just maybe make a few changes like making the gold more golden and making the sword less curvy? The curvy is just my opinion I prefer to have straight or only slightly curved blades.

Its a karmbit its supposed to be curved tell me when have you seen a straight karambit …