Evolution Ideas

I was playing swordbattle and realized that it was starting to get repetitive. Knights and Warriors, as far as the eye could see. A never ending cycle of “You use your ability, I use mine”. So, I thought, why not add a WHOLE DIFFERENT BRANCH? This would not only solve the heavily combo-reliant PvP, but also offer a different angle to swordbattle that wasn’t seen before. Enough ranting though, let’s get to it.

The 5k evo would be Assassin, an evolution with:

-75% health

-150% damage

-150% walk speed

-125% attack speed

-100% KB

Now, the special ability would be to go invis for 5 sec and have these temporary stat changes:

-1/3x walk speed

-1/3x attack speed

-2x damage

(if any player in the Assassin branch gets hit during their ability, then it cancels and goes on half cooldown)

This would keep players on their toes, making sure to look at the minimap for an Assassin.

And the two 10k evos would be Rogue and Creep (aw man!).

The Rogue:

-50% health

-200% damage

-100% walk speed

-150% attack speed

-125% KB

The special ability would be to go invis for 7 seconds and have these temporary stat changes:

-1/8x walk speed

-2x attack speed

-2x damage

-25% lifesteal


This would essentially make the special ability a way to compensate for the Rogue’s pitiful health and survivability by sneaking up behind someone and spamming sword swings to regain health rapidly.

The Creep:

-75% health

-150% damage

-150% walk speed

-125% attack speed

-75% KB

The Creep’s special ability would be invis for 10 sec with these stat changes:

-3x walk speed

-1/2x attack speed

-2.5x damage

-200% throw cooldown reduction

This makes the Creep’s ability good for escaping and using throws to pressure pursuers. It’s all-around a great ability that has good utility and multi-purpose use.

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PS: this was a post, but i copy pasted it. See CosmicWarlord’s Featured topic for stalker, a similar evo

Fun :ok_hand:

Wow, lots of posts are getting triple bumped!

how about a ninja that has a little more speed then tank and has a power that has huge knock back power and a 55 cooldown
