Doing a 2v2 tournament

im doing a 2v2 tournament find your partner cant be acol im teaming with @cosmidragon so hes taken you have 20 mins every one whos ready join usa 1 the winner of the tournament get 1m coins ill let you guys know when is first round


._. i cant find one

dont make topics about this, this can be told in gen or swordbattle chats

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wanna team?

stop being a meanie

on god were you get 1 m

let the person who wins kill me

wanna team? :>

you cant play unless u get a bad teammate your too good #1

wdym, im just doin my job as a helper

ok meanie whos ur teammate btw

acol can we team i am trash :>

i’ll hop on

i have my ways

u have 16 mins to find a teammate

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yes i can but people might of found there partner so please hurry

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im gonna do it tmrw because people prob tired and dont wanna play right now

When dose it happen?

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@Acol want to totally not team

he literally said it cant be acol (for some reason) and the fight already happened (technically me and vul won)