DOGGO SKIN (collab with Slapadabass)

He prefers cats

Sword is weird

How do uk?

its a dog toy and a bone, with bone blade

There was a post a while ago that said “Cats or Dogs” and you made a very compelling argument on why cats were superior to dogs

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so is it not good enough? :sob:

Why wud u use a sword to play witha dog

um. to spar and improve your sword skills? i guess? anyways its supposed to be a buncha dog toys slapped together

Since I’m finished with the chests(for now) would you like me to try to make a sword?

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Ur finished with chests?

You’re choice

I said for now, until they either reject or approve the red design

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Tennis ball thrower @ManagePasswords
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create those dog treat bones tbh that will looks nice

and the dog treat bone is brown

frumpy could you make a sword for me, heres the skin

ok but ask it in this topic instead

yeah, i did idk if you saw it though

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The sword looks so wrong please do something about it frumpy. :sob:

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