Crab skin

Name: Crab
Price: 535,000
Description: I like money.



good job but um i has to be a circle no extensions

not true

example is the fox skin, made by the devs.

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the fox skin is made by the devs so it is a exceptions

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someon already mde tis

well etherway it is a diad vangege

nobody else made it

um yea they kinda did here is a link Crab skins

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yeah thers a crab skin and robo crab


they all bad

not right image style and theyre not even good quality

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i wasint saying they where good

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so mine will get added and theirs wont

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just that they where there see if cosmic will put yours in insted

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cosmic likes me more

That just sounded sus


what did?

lets not do that. who knows who cosmic likes the best

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