Add Channel For Bot


Another chanel?

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Like how we have lounge and gen and swordbattle chats we would add another for just AI

Yeah, I meant adding another chat channel :+1:

That would be 6 channels :skull:

For most people, that would only be four channels.

moderator issue lol

Fair lol

I was confused by zaroomba

lol I only have 2

Imagine not having all channels :skull:

Hurtful :broken_heart:

Bro you dissed me only fair I slap you back

But fr it’s fine if you only have 2

I didn’t diss you, was just stating that for the majority of the forum this would be a very helpful improvement on controlling the chaos that is general chat, no need to bring out “disses,” sheesh. Sorry if I came off that way… :(

It was just the moderater part I tink

Slap gets offended way too easily :yawning_face:

Don’t we all get offended easily by something? Anyway back to topic

I just don’t like it when you don’t take me seriously

Aww, I do take you seriously, man! :(

It was just poking a little bit of fun, sorry if you took offense to that one :( …you are without a doubt one of the most respected person here…

Ribbit! :frog:

:frog: (: good froggy

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