A Story About ANGEL



ok but if I was story me why would I fake my own death :thinking:


Ending to ANGEL’s story

After allegedly faking her death, ANGEL finally returned to Swordbattle.io. But things were different now. ANGEL had to play a new character to avoid drawing attention to herself. She created a new account under the name “Shadow Knight” and started playing again.

As Shadow Knight, ANGEL was a force to be reckoned with. She quickly climbed the ranks, defeating everyone in her path. But ANGEL wasn’t just playing for fun anymore. She had a mission, and wouldn’t rest until it was accomplished.

One day, ANGEL found a note from TigerLizzy. She had been helping to track down the one player who had stood against ANGEL. He was powerful and had hacked ANGEL’s account so he would always win. The only way ANGEL could fight the player evenly was by letting his guard down with her death and surprising him as another player.

With TigerLizzy’s help, ANGEL tracked down the culprit - a player named “DarkSoul.” ANGEL challenged DarkSoul to a duel. DarkSoul quickly realized who he was fighting, and it was clear that they were almost evenly matched. The battle raged on, and just when it seemed like ANGEL had the upper hand, DarkSoul pulled out a surprise weapon - a cursed sword that drained ANGEL’s life force.

As ANGEL lay on the ground, nearly defeated, DarkSoul revealed his true identity - it was Shadowblade, the same player who had betrayed ANGEL before. Shadowblade had been seeking revenge, and ANGEL had walked right into his trap.

But ANGEL wasn’t finished yet. She had one more trick up her sleeve. With her last bit of strength, ANGEL summoned the power of the Shadow Knights, an ancient order of warriors known for their strength and cunning. Suddenly, ANGEL was engulfed in darkness, and when the darkness lifted, she had transformed into a Shadow Knight.

Shadowblade was no match for the Shadow Knight. ANGEL fought with all her might, unleashing a barrage of attacks that left Shadowblade reeling. And when the battle was over, Shadowblade lay defeated at ANGEL’s feet.

As ANGEL walked away from the battlefield, she knew that her mission was complete. They had avenged her own death and restored her honor. And now that her mission was over, ANGEL could return back to the game, not as Shadow Knight, but as ANGEL once again, the best player in the game.


Oooooh love mine thx lol

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perfect. 10/10

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Bread working hard for next mod elect


@gautam ig we are now friends lol

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You said you wanted the theme depression and somehow it just added that part into the story, I didn’t even tell it to. :open_mouth:


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I thought we had enough mods already… Also I’m doing this because I like using chatGPT and it’s funny to see the stuff it makes.


I’m going to make a big compilation of all these into one post (or a new topic) at some point, and I might even include a few stories that haven’t been shown yet : )


wht about meee

What would it make out of me? Curious.

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Can You also make one abt me?

Can you make one about me?

Stupid question, but you should do one about me hosting TGFB

can i have one bcz i cant get one myself i dont have chatgpt

CAn you give me thne background information that you used? I can continue this on weekends if you wont

Guys I can’t do chatGPT rn im going on vacation its SPRING BREAK

oh ok

LUCKY, I don’t even have spring break.
I just have a long vacation lol